Davenport Honey
Home produced honey from the gardens of Davenport and Woodsmoor
Contact us at: davenporthoneySK3@gmail.com
Keeping bees since 2021 (not that long)
Welcome to the delights of Davenport honey. Just to let you know our honey is 100% pure Stockport honey, gathered by my hard working bees in the gardens of Davenport, Woodsmoor and around - who knows where they get to when I'm not watching? But the honey they produce is delightful and award winning (3rd place at the 2021 Stockport Beekeepers Honey Show I'll have you know). Currently our main outlet is through the excellent Joe Montgomery at HG Beard's in Bramhall, or to our neighbours here in Davenport. So if you are lucky enough to get hold of a jar, I hope you enjoy it. Sweet. Peace out.
This is one of my queen bees, with some of her court worker bees around her. The white spot on her back is to mark her out as a 2021 queen.
***BREAKING NEWS*** I've started a sort-of blog! I'm not sure how often I will update it but if you are interested in vague witterings, click on the HOME arrow at the top of the page and a dropdown thing will appear, which will take you to "A Blog, of sorts." There's probably a more technically adept way of doing this but I have neither the time nor knowledge just now!
This is what a swarm looks like! It was in one of the apple trees in our garden in 2021.
Frames of honey in a super - which is where the bees store the nectar and make the honey.
And this is what those frames of honey look like, fresh from the hive.
All those white wax cappings have to be taken off...
...a very sticky job!
Once extracted from the frames, the honey settles in a tank and is then filtered three times - so you end up with lovely, pure honey!
And by late September the season is over and we let the bees get on with it over winter - and I'll see them in the spring!
Queen cells
These elongated cells are where new Queens develop. They're much bigger than the standard worker bee cells, so they can accomodate the growing Queen bee. This is taken from a hive that had developed several Queen cells in May 2024.